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Medical Women's Federation

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Scan day: 06 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Represents women doctors in the UK. Personal support, newsletters, conferences.
Home - Medical Women's Federation Whether you are looking for support or willing to provide it, with the MWF you can help us to shape the future! Find out more about MWF membership Being involved with MWF has been one of the greatest joys of my career
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Page title:Home - Medical Women's Federation
Description:The Medical Women’s Federation, the largest organisation of women doctors in the UK. We are the Voice of Women Doctors, making our opinions known at the highest level of medical politics, including the General Medical Council and Royal Colleges and with representatives on British Medical Association Committees. We are called upon and we give our views on issues affecting women doctors to the Department of Health.We offer practical help and support at all stages of your career, from student to consultant, including student grants and prizes, career advice, help with job applications, how to work part time, maternity breaks, return to work and achieving senior positions.