Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
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Description: Designed to address the challenges of biology, medicine and healthcare. An international journal for healthcare ethics and ethics committees.
Cambridge Journals Online - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics Welcome to Cambridge Journals Online To access subscriptions and personalised features please log in or register Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
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Page title: | Cambridge Journals Online - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics |
Keywords: | Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics |
Description: | The Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics is designed to address the challenges of biology, medicine and healthcare and to meet the needs of professionals serving on healthcare ethics committees in hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and rehabilitation centres. The aim of the journal is to serve as the international forum for the wide range of serious and urgent issues faced by members of healthcare ethics committees, physicians, nurses, social workers, clergy, lawyers and community representatives2012 Impact Factor: 0.846 |
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