MainHealthMental HealthGrief, Loss and Bereavement › Rainbows Peer Support Group

Rainbows Peer Support Group

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Scan day: 06 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Support group curriculum for children who have suffered significant loss in their lives, either through death, divorce, or other painful transitions. Features mission, history, newsletter, curricula, and contact information for local groups.
Rainbows International Grief Support Organization for Children Welcome To Rainbows For All Children! Rainbows is the largest international non-profit dedicated to helping children and teens grieve and grow after loss. Rainbows has served more than 2.7 million youth since 1983. Rainbows forms partnerships with schools, faith communities, and social service agencies so they may establish grief support groups and help children grieving a death, divorce, or other painful transition in their family. Rainbows age-appropriate curricula help build confidence and self-esteem of vulnerable children during a very difficult time of life.
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Contact Information



Page title:Rainbows International Grief Support Organization for Children
Keywords:Rainbows children support grief peer death divorce dealing loss parent deployed international incarceration trauma process emotional suffering charity risk organization
Description:Rainbows gives children and teens the guidance to grieve and grow after loss.