MainHealthMental HealthCounseling Services › Center for Transformational Psychotherapy

Center for Transformational Psychotherapy

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Scan day: 06 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Offers counseling, psychotherapy, thought field therapy, personal/career coaching, and educational articles about dealing with anger, depression, codependency, grief, life transitions and growth.
Short-term Counseling for Individuals and Couples; 12 Step Recovery Support and Intervention Services; Do you want to change your life? There is something inside you so trustworthy it can guide the path of your life. Loss, illness and hurt may have caused you to lose touch with this unfailing internal compass but counseling that respects this inner knowing can help you reconnect with it. Your own answers to questions such as
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Page title:Jan Fable Counseling
Keywords:Jan Fable, short- term, counseling, intervention, addiction, alcoholism, twelve-step recovery, mental health, counseling, coaching, psychotherapy, bioenergetic analysis, depression, anger, rage, Fairfield County, money problems, compulsive eating, shame, dissociation, women's issues, mindfulness meditation, Thought Field Therapy, Reiki, healing with sound
Description:Jan Fable, Fairfield County CT, provides short term counseling, coaching, alcohol and drug addiction intervention, Thought Field Therapy, educational articles on anger, grief, mindfulness, and personal growth