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Institut Fédératif de Recherche sur le Handicap (IFRH-France)

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Description: [French, English] A research partnership-like structure, which is aimed at enabling the coordinated development of researches on disability.
Page d'Accueil de l'Institut Fédératif de Recherche sur le Handicap L'institut Fédératif de Recherche sur le Handicap Bienvenue sur le site Web de l'IFRH - IFR 25 - En 2009 : 26 équipes, 9 régions administratives, 14 sites géographiques, 404 personnels dont 244 enseignants temps plein
Size: 305 chars

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Page title:Page d'Accueil de l'Institut Fédératif de Recherche sur le Handicap
Keywords:IFR 25, IFRH, handicap, handicaps, incapacite, dependance, dependances, incapacites, deficience, deficiences, recherche, recherches, publications, ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research, scientific papers, FIM, MIF, recherche scientifique, recherche medicale, scientifique et handicap, enquete HID (handicap, incapacites, dependance), sciences, sante, sante publique, universite, universites, medecine, medical, medicale, clinique, aide technique, aides techniques, reeducation, readaptation, appareillage, interface homme-machine, interfaces homme-machine,plateforme integree, realite virtuelle, technologies d'assistance, virtual reality, assitive technologies, official site of the Federative Institute of research on Disability and Disabilities, bilingual English-French, research organization, scientific research, medical research, medical and scientific research, disability, disabilities, impairment, impairments, handicap, public health, university, universities,care, social care, special needs, device, devices, reseaux, reseau, network, networks, sciences, health, machine-man interface, HID survey (Disability, Impairment, dependence), rehabilitation, clinical research, integrated platform
Description:Site officiel bilingue franais-anglais de l'IFR 25, Institut Federatif de Recherche sur le Handicap et les handicaps; France


status: ACTIVE
status: ok
created: 01/01/1995
last-update: 11/03/2009
changed: 16/04/2009 [email protected]
changed: 08/11/2005 [email protected]
changed: 02/12/2009 [email protected]