Medical Specialties
- 1401
- Metcalfe, Stuart
- Clinics in Birmingham and London with information on foot care and services available.
- 1404
- Paulton Podiatry Clinic
- Information about podiatry and common conditions from this clinic based in Paulton.
- 1406
- Premier Footcare
- Practitioner offering a mobile service in the Bracknell region, as well as fact sheets on foot problems.
- 1408
- Sports Podiatry
- Clinics for injuries to the upper leg, knee, leg, ankle and foot. Located in Holmfirth and Manchester.
- 1410
- The Bell Surgery
- Ingrown toenail clinic also offering chiropody, home visits and a range of complementary health services. Manchester.
- 1412
- Total Foot Health
- Provides practice information, foot condition and treatment information. Salisbury
- 1417
- Family Foot and Orthotics Clinic
- Assessments and treatments of many foot diseases and disorders from a clinic in Kitchener, Ontario.