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MedExpert / WWW

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Description: A set of medical URLs for fields linking to 65 medical expert and knowledge-based systems. Details of the programs, links to online versions, information about pricing and availability, clinical use, information about the developer, contact addresses, and evaluation statistics. Site indicates last update March 16, 2002.
MedExpert/WWW - A Medical Knowledge Base Server medical expert and knowledge-based systems over 73 state-of-the-art medical expert and knowledge-based systems giving physicians the opportunity to get fast and
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Contact Information



Page title:MedExpert/WWW - A Medical Knowledge Base Server
Keywords:Medizinische Universität Wien, Medical University of Vienna, Medizinische Experten- und Wissensbasierte Systeme, Medical Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems, Medizinische Expertensysteme, Medical Expert Systems, Expertensysteme in der Medizin, Expert Systems in Medicine, Medizinische Informatik, Medical Informatics, Fuzzy-Mengen-Theorie, Fuzzy Set Theory, Fuzzy Logik, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Control, Forschung, Research, Lehre, Education, AKH-Wien, Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien, GermAlert, GermWatcher, GIDEON, HELP, ICONS, MONI, Reportable Diseases, SahmAlert, ToxoNet, CaDet, CCIS, Cancer Me?, FACTS, Acorn, Thorask, Jeremiah, Colorado Medicaid, Orthoplanner, RaPiD, TxDENT, DermaDex, ADE, ILIAD, Dose Checker, Pepid, PRODIGY, SETH, Interpret. of Acid-Base Disorders, Epileptologist´s Assistant, DiagnosisPro, DxPlain, Geninfer, MammoNet, PERFEX, Phoenix & ISIS, TDW, CADIAG-II, CeliPert, CEM, Pro.M.D., Hepaxpert, HDP, Liporap, PEIRS, QBC, RheumExpert, THYRexpert, T-IDDM, 5GL-Doctor, Apache III, NeoGanesh, VIE-PNN, Becton Dickinson Laboratory Systems, CeliNet, Dr. Gait III, MDDB, Metanet, Puff, VentEx, MSO, POEMS, TraumAid, RetroGram, Automedon, CEMS, Coulter FACULTY, ERA, Geriatric Discharge Planning System, Hypertension, Larsen, Microbiology/Pharmacy Expert System, TherapyEdge HIV, ATHENA, Antibiotics and Infectious Diseases, Cancer, Chest Pain, Dentistry, Drugs and Toxicology, Dermatology, Emergency, Epilepsy, Family Practice, Genetics, Geriatrics, Gynecology, Image Analysis, Internal Medicine, Intensive Care, Laboratory Systems, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Pulmology and Ventilation, Surgery and Post-Operative Care, Trauma Management, Mental Helth, Vienna General Hospital
Description:MedExpert/WWW - A Medical Knowledge Base Server


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