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Tourette Syndrome Association Chapter - New York City

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Scan day: 20 February 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: Provides articles, chapter news, description of services, events calendar, city-wide support group meeting schedules and contact information.
Bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Tourette Syndrome As you may know, over the past few months, the national Tourette Syndrome Association (TSA) worked very closely with Members of the US House of Representatives to establish a Bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Tourette Syndrome.
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Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 800-326-5494


Page title:Tourette Syndrome Association
Keywords:Tourette, Tourette Syndrome, TSA, tics, Tourette's Syndrome, TS, twitch, Tourette NYC,
Description:The Tourette Syndrome Association of New York City serves people with Tourette Syndrome and their families. Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary motor and vocal tics. It is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood.