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National MS Society (USA): Treatments

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Scan day: 20 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Information about current disease-modifying drugs, symptom management, and rehabilitation.
Treatments : National MS Society Although there is still no cure for MS, effective strategies are available to  (also called attacks, relapses, or flare-ups), , and provide emotional support. In combination, these treatments enhance the quality of life for people living with MS.
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Page title:Treatments : National MS Society
Keywords:disease-modifying drug disease-modifying therapy disease-modifying medication adherence treatment plan obstacles to treatment Avonex Betaseron Copaxone Rebif Tysabri alternative therapy complementary CAM interferon beta-1a interferon beta-1b glatiramer acetate Disease Management Consensus Statement clinically-isolated syndrome relapsing form relapsing MS progressive injectable lesion exacerbation relapse flare-up
Description:Although there is still no cure for MS, effective strategies are available to modify the disease course, treat exacerbations (also called attacks, relapses, or flare-ups), manage symptoms, improve function and safety, and provide emotional support. In combination, these treatments can enhance the quality of life for people living with MS.