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National Association of State Head Injury Administrators

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Scan day: 08 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Established to help states develop programs that improve access to health and services for individuals with TBI and their families. Offers guidance, assessments, training, resource materials, technical assistance, and an annual conference.
National Association of State Head Injury Administrators(NASHIA) You can support NASHIA as the charity of choice when using these sites for searching internet, shopping and dining: President Releases FY2015 Budget
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Page title:National Association of State Head Injury Administrators(NASHIA)
Keywords:national association of state head injury administrators, NASHIA, head injury, brain injury, acquired brain injury, abi, traumatic brain injury, tbi, concussion, TBI Act, TBI reauthorization, TBI Appropriations, TBI Congressional Task Force, helmet, brain injury prevention, SOS, State of the States in Head Injury Meeting, State of the States in Head Injury Conference, TBI Medicaid waivers, ABI Medicaid waivers, TBI trust funds, neurobehavioral, TBI Advisory Boards, vets with TBI, veterans with TBI, kids with TBI, students with TBI, children and youth with TBI, TBI State Lead Agencies, TBI systems change, TBI systems improvement, TBI State systems, TBI coordinated State Systems, TBI Technical Assistance Center, TBICS, TBI Collaboration Space, TBISERV, State Watch, Capitol News, Action Alert, NASHIA Store, NASHIA Products, NASHIA Guide, TBI Neurobehavioral Handbook, NASHIA membership, join NASHIA, Katie Cash Award
Description:Brain injury policy, program, and service resources for state employees and others interested in state government. NASHIA assists state government in promoting partnerships and building systems to meet the needs of individuals with brain injury and their families.