Anencephaly Information
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Scan day: 13 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Personal stories, photos, tips for creating memories, advice on taking photographs, and tips for midwives. [Information in English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.]
Informationen über die Fehlbildung Anencephalie. Hilfe für betroffene Eltern, Familen, Freunde und Pflegepersonal. Information about the birth defect anencephaly. Help for affected parents, caregivers, family and friends.
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Keywords: | anencephaly, neural tube defect, baby, pregnancy, ob/gyn, death, birth, family, obstetrics, prenatal diagnosis, brain, brainstem, anencephalie, anomalie du tube neural, bebe, gynecologue, mort, naissance, famille, grossesse, diagnostic prenatal, delivrance, cerveau, tronc cerebral, Hirnstamm, fehlbildung, abortion, avortement, geburt, birth defect, malformation, anenzephalie, anenzephalus, anencephalie, gehirn, missbildung, neuralrohrdefekt, baby, kind, familie, schwangerschaft, entbindung, gynaekologie, praenatale diagnostik, abtreibung, cérebro, nascimento, morte, inoperante, família, gravidez, crianças, bebê, má-formação, anencefalia, calota craniana, líquido amniótico, criança anencéfala, parteira, ginecologista, ultra-sonografia, parto |
Description: | information about the birth defect anencephaly |
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