Neurological Disorders
- 542
- Think First Foundation
- Dedicated to educating children and teens about the prevention of brain and spinal cord injuries.
- 544
- Genetics Home Reference: Abetalipoproteinemia
- Provides information on this disorder that affects the absorption of fats, cholesterol, and fat-soluble vitamins. Includes links to other resources.
- 545
- MedlinePlus: Bassen-Kornzweig Syndrome
- Offers causes, symptoms, examinations and tests, treatment, prognosis and possible complications.
- 546
- European Galactosaemia Society
- Information about the EGS, galactosaemia, the national groups, the diet and events and publications.
- 547
- Galactosaemia Support Group
- Brings families with galactosaemic children and adult galactosaemics into contact with each other and offers support. Includes information on the organization and the disease, news and fundraising ideas.
- 548
- MedlinePlus: GALC
- The alternate names, a summary and list of major features of galactocerebrosidase deficiency.
- 549
- Patient UK: Galactosaemia
- Factsheet on this metabolic disorder, its description, pathophysiology, epidemiology, presentation, differential diagnosis, investigations, management and prognosis.
- 550
- Family Practice Notebook: Hepatic Encephalopathy
- Includes precipitating factors, pathophysiology, symptoms and signs, diagnosis, and management.
- 551
- Hepatic Encephalopathy
- Wikipedia article explains what this condition is, how it occurs, different grades, and treatment.
- 552
- Hepatic Encephalopathy: A Review
- Article from Annals of Hepatology explores pathogenesis, peripheral and brain alterations, clinical stages, and predisposing factors. [PDF]
- 553
- MedlinePlus: Hepatic Encephalopathy
- Illustrated article that discusses the causes, signs and symptoms, treatment, and complications.
- 554
- MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Homocystinuria
- Learn about this condition, the causes, symptoms, treatment, prognosis, and complications.
- 555
- The woman who lost all seven children
- The BBC reports on a family which has lost many children to Leigh's disease. (September 20, 2012)
- 556
- Center for Inherited Disorders of Energy Metabolism (CIDEM)
- A group of inter-disciplinary, clinical diagnostic laboratories which focus on disorders of mitochondrial function at Case Western Reserve University.
- 557
- Clinical Trial: The Natural History and Pathogenesis of Mucolipidosis Type IV
- An ongoing study into ML4, still recruiting patients in August 2006.