Neurological Disorders
- 301
- All About Multiple Sclerosis
- Provides a description, news, glossary, and a list of famous people with MS.
- 302
- Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers
- Provides networking, research and other services to health professionals.
- 303
- Cybercafe - Breaking the Isolation
- European Cybercafes aim to provide information and a means of communication.
- 308
- MS-Gateway
- Looks at forms of the disease, treatments for it, and lifestyle adjustments. Multi-lingual.
- 309
- McFox's Multiple Sclerosis Pages
- Information site with lifestyle suggestions,computer advice, and news on MS.
- 310
- Multiple Sclerosis : University of Utah
- For medical students and physicians in training.Useful for others as well.
- 311
- Multiple Sclerosis Resource Center
- Presents articles, medical news, video updates, message boards and chat rooms,and a resource directory.
- 313
- List for Women
- Instructions on how to receive a weekly newsletter for women with mitral valve prolapse syndrome. Details as to the contents of the newsletter.
- 314
- MedlinePlus: Shy-Drager Syndrome
- Information about the disorder and its symptoms, signs and tests, treatment and prevention.
- 315
- Reflex epilepsy and reflex seizures of the visual system: a clinical review - Epileptic Disorders
- Abstract of paper by Benjamin G. Zifkin and Dorothée Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenité. Published in Epileptic Disorders.
- 316
- Epilepsy New Zealand
- Works to promote the welfare and interests of people with epilepsy and their families. Increasing public awareness, providing education programs and seizure management planning.
- 317
- International Bureau for Epilepsy
- Interested in the non-medical aspects, addressing such social problems as education, employment, insurance, driving license restrictions and public awareness. Includes activities, publications and links.
- 318
- A Miracle for Alex
- Providing information about Dravet Syndrome from a parent perspective. Includes Alex's story, his angels, photographs and resources.