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Ebola Virus Life-cycle Illustration

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Scan day: 20 February 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: Computer graphic showing Ebola virus reproducing in a cell. Includes relevant links on the biology and ultrastructure of Ebola.
Ebola Virus Life Cycle Graphic - image by Russell Kightley Media Illustration shows Ebola Virus life Cycle. Above image measures 400 pixels across, original image is 3300 pixels across. (above) Ebola virus docks with cell membrane at middle left. Viral RNA (yellow) is released into the cytoplasm where it directs the production of new viral proteins and genetic material. New viral genomes are rapidly coated in protein to create cores. These viral cores stack up in the cell and migrate to the cell surface. Transmembrane proteins (purple) are produced which are ferried to the cell surface. Cores push their way through the cell membrane becoming enveloped in cell membrane and collecting their transmembrane proteins (spikes) as they do so. Examples of coiled virions are shown in the background.
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Page title:Ebola Virus Life Cycle Graphic - image by Russell Kightley Media
Keywords:ebola virus, illustration, image, picture, graphic, diagram, Marburg, Reston, replication, life cycle, filovirus, filoviridae, emergent, emerging, diseases
Description:Ebola Virus life cycle picture from Russell Kightley Media