Immune Disorders
- 141
- Trucaf Africa
- A not-for profit organization focused on supporting the issues of children with AIDS in Africa.
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- Sivananda Rehabilitation Home
- Rehabilitation of patients suffering from Leprosy, TB and HIV/AIDS. SRH also has an old age home for women. Includes and introductory video. Located in Hyderabad, India.
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- AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)
- Mission is developing, implementing, and promoting tools for effective HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care, and support in the Newly Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union. Includes news, a list of projects, donation information, and photos. English and Russian.
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- Aidsmap
- Provides news, background information, research progress, treatment options, and multilingual resources.
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- Medical Foundation for AIDS & Sexual Health
- Information and advice for health-care professionals including current policies, practices and frequently asked questions.
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- National AIDS Trust (NAT)
- Dedicated to policy research and campaigning to improve the UK's prevention efforts and the quality of life of people with HIV.
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- Positive East
- Advice, advocacy and support for people living with and affected by HIV in east London. Gay men and African groups, welfare rights and housing, money advice and complementary therapy. Volunteer services.
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- Strategies for Hope
- Produces and distributes books and videos that document successful, innovative strategies of HIV/AIDS work by NGOs and community groups, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Find details about SFH and what they do, and news.
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- AIDS Walk
- Annual fundraising walkathons in New York city, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Milwaukee.
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- Updates
- Weekly updates on breaking news, commentary and features at HIV and
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- The Amedeo Literature Guide: HIV and AIDS
- Free literature service. Receive weekly e-mail with overviews of new articles published in your personal journal subset.
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- Bad Science: Matthias Rath
- A chapter from Ben Goldacre's book "Bad Science" looking at Rath's promotion of vitamin pills for the treatment of disease, particularly AIDS. Covers Rath's activities in South Africa, claims about anti-retroviral drugs, and legal and propaganda campaigns against his critics.
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- Foundation for Innovative Therapies
- Conducts clinical research on promising new medical and HIV therapies. Includes bibliography and overview.
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- University of Pennsylvania - AIDS Clinical Trials Unit (ACTU)
- Carries out clinical research trials studying new treatments against HIV infection, AIDS, and AIDS-related opportunistic infections.
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- Damien Ministries
- Faith community gathered to identify with and support those abandoned or isolated in suffering with HIV/AIDS, particularly the poorest of the poor. Features programs and activities.
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- Health Options and Positive Energy Foundation, Inc
- Information for the HIV-positive on local seminars, social gatherings, tax help, and medications. Features events and articles.
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- Enables people living with HIV/AIDS to maintain and care for their pets. Features services and volunteer information.
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- Medibolics
- Newsletter on HIV and nutrition, including anabolic steroids and experimental and nontraditional medical therapies.