Endocrine Disorders
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- BMC Endocrine Disorders
- Provides original research articles on the prevention, diagnosis and management of endocrine disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. For physicians.
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- Endotext.org
- Covers clinical endocrine practice, including current information on the manifestations of endocrine disease, diagnosis, and treatment. Directed to physicians.
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- National Adrenal Diseases Foundation
- Non-profit organization dedicated to providing support, information and education to individuals having Addison's disease as well as other diseases of the adrenal glands.
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- BBC News Health - Human Gland evolved from Gills
- The human parathyroid gland, which regulates calcium levels, probably evolved from fish gills, say researchers. (December 07, 2004)
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- California Center for Pituitary Disorders at UCSF
- A multi-disciplinary center designed to provide comprehensive care to all patients with newly diagnosed and pre-existing pituitary disorders. Providing information on pathology, diagnosis, and treatment options.
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- MedlinePlus: Pituitary Disorders
- Contains an overview, symptoms, treatment, coping, genetics, and clinical trials.
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- Neuroendocrine & Pituitary Information Links
- Resources for patients. From Massachusetts General Hospital's Neuroendocrine Clinical Center.
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- Pit Pat - The Pituitary Foundation
- Provides information and support to those suffering from pituitary disorders, their relatives, friends and carers. Includes newsletters, resources, GP fact file, general information for patients and a glossary.
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- The Pituitary Center at Vanderbilt University Medical Center
- Aims to provide comprehensive, multi-disciplinary care to patients with all types of hypothalamic and pituitary diseases.
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- Thyroid Disease Manager
- Features a complete analysis of thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, nodules, cancer, and aspects of physiology.
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- International Thyroid Awareness Week
- To raise awareness and educate people about the critical role the thyroid gland plays. Available in a variety of languages.
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- MedicineNet - Thyroid Overview
- Find a number of articles on gland conditions and diseases. Including medications, doctor's views, and responses.
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- MyThyroid.com
- Patient-centered resource by a physician from Toronto. Discusses the various diseases and their related complications.