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The International Lymphedema Guestbook

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Scan day: 13 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Discussion of the condition including links as well as a space for displaying personal messages.
The International Lymphedema Guest Book on a possible way to deal with non-pitting lymphedema. Hello to all those people who suffer from lymphedema or just are interested in it. page is meant to exchange experiences and ideas. People from all over the world can put their reactions in this guest book: men as well as women; sufferers of primary or secondary lymphedema; with edema in the arm or in the leg or wherever. The language is English because it is a world language: in that way as many patiënts as possible can be reached.
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Page title:The International Lymphedema Guest Book
Keywords:lymphedema, lymph edema, patiënt care, help for lymphedema patiënts, information about lymphedema, guestbook, lymphedema treatment.
Description:This is a guestbook where patiënts with lymphedema can leave their messages.