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Westmead Breast Cancer Institute

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Scan day: 13 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Information for doctors and patients, including patient information guides, breast cancer case studies, and women's stories.
Westmead Breast Cancer Institute BCI Annual Breakfast celebrates life Wednesday, 13 November 2013 09:48 In excess of 200 people attended the BCI's annual breakfast at Waterview, Olympic Park Sydney on 26th November. The breakfast, for people who have had breast cancer and their friends is held each year as a celebration of life after breast cancer. Guest speakers included yoga instructor Leigh Ridden and pathologist A Prof Rosemay Balleine. Leigh explained the benefits of yoga post breast cancer and led the group through some simple yoga activities.
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Page title:Westmead Breast Cancer Institute
Keywords:NSW, Westmead, Breast, Cancer, Institute, Australia, breast cancer, breast cancer detection, breast cancer diagnosis, breast cancer family history, breast cancer genetics, breast cancer research, breast cancer risks, breast cancer screening, breast cancer statistics, breast cancer treatment, breast diseases, breast screening programs, breast self examination, breast symptoms, breast x-rays, BSE, cancer risk factors, cancer screening, carcinoma in situ, CBE, clinical breast examination, DCIS, early diagnosis, early detection, health promotion, interval cancers, LCIS, mammogram, mammograms, mammography, mammography screening, mass screening, population screening, precancerous conditions, women's cancers, women's health, ABBI, radiotherapy
Description:The web site of the Westmead Breast Cancer Institute, Australia. Information for doctors and breast cancer patients including patient information brochures on aspects of breast cancer and breast cancer treatment, breast cancer case studies, and women's stories.