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GIST Support International

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Description: Advocates and supports cancer patients dealing with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor. Provides information, clinical trials, news, and links.
GIST Support International - GIST Support International: Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor patient education and support Videos of patients and caregivers tell    helps needy GIST patients see expert doctors.  It's easy to apply.
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Page title:GIST Support International - GIST Support International: Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor patient education and support
Keywords:Adjuvant, Adjuvant Gleevec, c-Kit, c-Kit Mutations, c-Kit Receptor, cancer, Carney Triad, CD117, Clinical trial, Cramping, CT Scan, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Demetri, DFCI, Diarhea, Diarrhea, Dimitri, Druker, Duodenum, Exon, Exon 11, Exon 9, Fatigue, financial assistance for GIST, FLT3, Fox Chase, Friends, Gastric, Gastric Stromal Tumor, Gastro-intestinal, Gastrointestinal, gastrointestinal stromal sarcoma, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor, gastrointestinal stromal tumour, Gene, GIST, GIST brochure, GIST cancer, GIST diagnosis, GIST mutation testing, GIST pathology report, GIST patient, GIST patient support, GIST Support International, GIST treatment,, gleevec, Gleevec, Glevec, Glievec, Glivec, GSI, Headaches, hepatic artery embolization, Imatinib, Imatinib Mesylate, JIST, KIT, KIT Kinase Inhibitors, Leiomyosarcoma, Leukemia, Lieomyosarcoma, Liferaft Group, Liver, Liver Enzymes, liver metastasis, Liver Toxicity, LRG, Lukemia, Lyomyosarcoma, Malignancy, MedScape, Mesenchymal Tumors, Mesolate, Mestatises, Metastasis, metastatic GIST, MRI , Muscle Cramps, Mutation, Myelogenous, Mylogenous, Myxoid Degeneration, Myxoid Degeneration, Myxoid stroma, Myxoid Stroma, Nausea, Neuropathy,, NF1 GIST, Novartis, Nuropathy, OHSU, omentum, Oncologist, Oncoprotein, Oregon Health Sciences University, PDGFR, PDGFRA, pediatric GIST, peritoneal, PET Scan, Pfizer Oncology, Pharmacia, PI3K pathway, Pub Med, Puffy Eyes, RAD, Radiation, radiofrequency ablation, Rash, Recurrance, recurrent GIST, Sarcoma, Shrinkage, Side Effects, Signal Pathway, Skin Rash, Stable, STI-571, STI157, STI571, Stromal, SU11248, Sugen, sunitinib, Sutent, Swelling, Swelling Ankles, Swollen Ankles, Telomeres, tumor, Tumor, Tyrosine Kinases, van Oosterom, Van Osterom, Vasella, VEGFR, Vomiting, Von Mehren, webcasts about GIST, wildtype GIST
Description:GIST Support International (GSI) provides education and support of GIST cancer patients, their families and friends. Our website details GIST diagnosis and treatment options. Our listservs unite patients worldwide.