- 61
- Cancer Detection and Prevention Online
- Peer-reviewed journal by the International Society for Preventive Oncology. Continuing medical education credits available.
- 62
- Cancer Genomics & Proteomics
- International journal featuring articles and reviews on the application of related technology to basic, experimental and clinical cancer research.
- 64
- Cell Cycle
- Dedicated to research on the cell cycle and cancer. The focus of this journal is molecular aspects of cancer research.
- 65
- Gastric & Breast Cancer
- Provides access to secondary-research articles on prevention, detection, current treatment and future directions.
- 66
- International Seminars in Surgical Oncology
- Online open access journal for oncology with an orientation to surgical topics.
- 67
- Journal of Surgical Oncology
- Online journal specifically dedicated to education of residents in surgery.
- 68
- Michigan Oncology Journal
- Advancements in Clinical and Basic Science Research from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center.
- 70
- The Oncologist CME Online
- Provides oncologists with the possibility of receiving Continuing Medical Education credits online.
- 71
- Four-o'clock Flowers Around The World
- Project aims to bring hope and beauty to cancer survivors and health care professionals by giving away seeds to be planted worldwide.
- 72
- The LGBT Cancer Project
- Addresses the needs of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people with cancer and those at risk. Find details about the project and how to get involved.
- 73
- About My Hair: A Journey to Recovery
- Photographic diary where Marcia Reid Marsted documents her changes through surgery and cancer chemotherapy.
- 74
- Blog for a Cure
- Offers services for cancer survivors to document their journey further including forums, news, and a community.
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- I Have Cancer: New Zealand
- Presents a country-specific annotated list of resources that chronicle patients' personal experiences.
- 76
- Division of Cancer Prevention
- The U.S. National Cancer Institute presents information for researchers and the public. Includes lifestyle advice as well as details of trials and health promotion events.
- 77
- SunSmart
- Australian program for reducing the incidence of skin cancer due to sun exposure. Includes details of campaigns and research, as well as information on sunburn and protection.
- 78
- 2005 Pulitzer: At 32, a Decision: Is Cancer Small Enough to Ignore?
- Archive of Wall Street Journal Amy Dockser Marcus article about a young man discovering he had tested positive for small traces of slow growing cancer in the prostate. Set off the debate that "Everyone has cancer growing somewhere in their body." (December 20, 2004)