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- NCI: Adult Brain Tumor Treatment
- Provides detailed patient and professional information about adult brain tumors, including treatment options, staging, grades, types, and prognosis.
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- Columbia University: Pilomyxoid Astrocytoma
- Resource on this newly discovered type of brain tumor.
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- NCI: Childhood Brain Tumor Treatment
- Information about the types of childhood brain tumors and treatment options. Sections for patients and health professionals.
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- Astrocytic Tumours
- Features information about the specific disease, includes grading, types, symptoms, treatment, and resources.
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- NCI: Childhood Brain Stem Glioma
- Features information about the treatment, diagnosis, stages, and recurrence of the disease.
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- Ependymoma
- Provides information about the specific disease, includes definition, treatment, symptoms, and resources.
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- Medulloblastoma
- Information about brain tumor that primarily affects children between the ages of three and eight. Provides general view, diagram, causes, signs, symptoms, testing, and treatment options.
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- ACOR: N-Blastoma Listserv
- The Neuroblastoma Online Support Group is a mailing list which includes current information and archives.
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- Advances in Neuroblastoma Research
- Provides information about past and future meetings concerning research about the disease.
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- My Friends For
- Massachusetts entity encourages neuroblastoma awareness and research. Offers events information, news, a forum and links.
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- NANT: New Approaches to Neuroblastoma Therapy
- Group of 13 Universities and Children's Hospitals with research and treatment programs for neuroblastoma. Provides information about clinical trials, history, committees, publications and current news.
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- Neuroblastoma Children's Cancer Society
- Provides information and support to families. Dedicated to raising money to research and cure the disease.
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- Neuroblastoma On-line Researcher's Forum
- A forum for researchers, list of recent publications about neuroblastoma and sections on neuroblastoma related topics.
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- The Neuroblastoma Society
- Dedicated to raising funds for British research for the disease. Provides resources, support and information for families and patients.
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- Christopher Clarke Cancer Research Fund UK
- The CCCRF raises money for research into teenage primary brain tumours.
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- Meningioma Mommas
- An online support group and discussion board (registration required) for those with this type of brain tumor. Based in Littleton, Colorado.
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- National Brain Tumor Foundation
- Presents general information, addressing such topics as types, symptoms and treatment.