MainHealthConditions and DiseasesAllergies › Allergome - A Database of Allergenic Molecules

Allergome - A Database of Allergenic Molecules

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Scan day: 06 February 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: Contains information on allergenic molecules causing allergic diseases like asthma, rhinitis, urticaria, anaphylaxis. Biological and clinical information as well as links to other related web sites are provided.
As you know from our communications the Allergome funding issue has been fixed for the short term. It means that nothing should change in the next few months, hopefully up to the year end. After saving the free access to the Allergome or even, in the worst case, to get rid of the risk of shutting down the servers, we are now thinking ahead. We will try to keep the current sponsors and increase their number, but we consider very important to create a network of worldwide supporters.
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Page title:Allergome
Keywords:Allergy, Allergenic, Allergenicity, Allergens, Anaphylaxis, Animal, Animal Models, Asthma, Atopic Dermatitis, Atopy, Biochemistry, Conjunctivitis, Database, Diagnosis, Environment, Epidemiology, Food, Function, Fungi, Genetic, Immunochemistry, Immunology, Immunological, Immunotherapy, Insects, Intolerance, Mites, Molecular Biology, Molecules, Mould, Pollen, Pseudo-Allergic, Rhinitis, Structure, Urticaria Archive molecules