MainHealthAlternativeReflexology › Anne Hilarius-Ford Reflexology

Anne Hilarius-Ford Reflexology

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Scan day: 13 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Sessions in Trinity Beach, Queensland. Provides research articles on this modality, client testimonials and useful links.
: An ancient healing method used in some form by many ancient cultures. Reflexology was researched over a period of 30 years by Eunice Ingham from the early 1900’s. Since then research has been extensively conducted throughout the world.
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Page title:anne hilarius-ford reflexology
Keywords:Reflexology, Foot Mobilization, Anne Hilarius Ford, Port Melbourne, Melbourne, Albert Park, South Melbourne, back pain, spine, hips, foot pain, pronated feet, constipation, colic, teething, sleep, pregnancy, fertility, labour, frozen shoulder, bronchitis, asthma, cancer, insomnia, diabetes, hot feet, Morton’s neuroma, constipation, bedwetting, breastfeeding, arthritis, anxiety, depression, digestion, emphysema, chronic fatigue, thyroid, gallbladder, headaches, migraine, lungs, multiple sclerosis, MS, paralysis, Parkinson’s, PMT, sciatica, shingles, shoulder, stress, bunions, pain in bunion, plantar fasciitis, heel spur,
Description:Anne Hilarius-Ford is based in Port Melbourne VIC. Reflexology is a successful form of health care and Foot Mobilization relieves pain in feet.