Massage Therapy and Bodywork
- 81
- John French
- Practitioner offers description of services, photos, rates and online appointments options in Gainesville, Florida.
- 82
- Maui Center for Ortho-Bionomy
- Offering training and sessions. Instructors include Zoee Crowley and Odile Ciny.
- 84
- Ortho-Bionomy New Zealand
- National organization provides training information, members, code of ethics and merchandise.
- 85
- Revealing The Body's Messages
- Terri Julianelli has offices in Berkeley and Walnut Creek, California. Includes focus on somatic trauma resolution.
- 86
- Society of Ortho-Bionomy International
- International organization includes definitions, practitioner and instructor directory listings, and instructional availability.
- 88
- Therapeutic Bodywork by Marla J. Moore
- Provides details of sessions in Arlington Heights and Glenview, Illinois.
- 89
- Orthopedic Massage Education & Research Institute (OMERI)
- Orthopedic massage continuing education provider.
- 90
- American Polarity Therapy Association
- Providing information on this therapy, news, a list of practitioners and approved training.
- 92
- Guild for Structural Integration
- Offering training, and continuing education. Includes a history of Ida P. Rolf and a list of practitioners.
- 94
- The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration
- Offers training classes and workshops, research and media information on the subject, and a searchable database of practitioners.
- 95
- Ancient Massage
- Dedicated to the propagation and preservation of the ancient massage tradition of Thailand.