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- Aromatherapy
- Australian site offering information on the sense of smell, how aromatherapy works, essential and carrier oils, some blending recipes, and safety information.
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- - Aromatherapy
- Information on clinical studies, history, how it works, safety issues, and an essential oil directory.
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- Michel Vanhove Aromatherapy Pages
- Multilingual site with information about distillation, history, oil properties, and chemistry.
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- Therapy Essence
- Information for aromatherapists and students, including essential oil profiles, recipes, and articles. Oils, beauty, and well-being areas are searchable by sub-topic.
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- Tony Burfield's Aroma Pages
- Provides information about production of essential oils, articles addressing misconceptions about aromatherapy, book reviews, courses, workshops, projects, and consultant services.
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- Aromatic Kinesiology
- Site for Australia-based author Robbi Zeck, ND, who focuses on aromatherapy and the emotions. Includes information about tours, retreats, and workshops.
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- Aromaticamedica
- Author and columnist Kylie Thompson presents essential oil profiles, articles, an online store, and links.
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- International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy
- Journal that features peer-reviewed articles, with each issue focusing on a specific health topic. Find information about the editorial board, current and back issues, and subscribing.
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- Aromatherapy Debunked and Defended
- Anya McCoy looks at aromatherapy from both sides, and presents information and warnings about the con artists of the aromatherapy business.
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- Aromatherapy: Making Dollars out of Scents
- Stephen Barrett, M.D. on some of the dubious claims by companies in the aromatherapy business.
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- Skeptic's Dictionary - Aromatherapy
- An article by Robert Todd Carroll highlights that many claims of efficacy are testimonials and anecdotal in nature.
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- What's That I Smell?
- Examination of the claims of aromatherapy, published by the Skeptical Inquirer.
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- Aromatherapy Alliance
- A not-for-profit organization that hosts meetings and educational events for its members. Provides links, and information about membership, events, and education.
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- Aromatic Plant Project
- An organization supporting the growth and distillation of essential oil plants in the US. Provides a description of member benefits, a calendar of events, articles and news, and a bookstore.
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- International Fragrance Association
- Guidelines for safe usage of fragrant chemicals and essential oils in perfumes and skincare.
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- The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy
- A non-profit educational organization devoted to aromatherapy in the United States. Provides information on essential oils for health and healing purposes.
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- Eclipse Living Essence
- Offers diploma, workshops, certificate training, and ongoing professional development courses. Located in Perth, Western Australia.
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- Healing Fragrances
- Offers an introductory course and a certification program, as well as courses in other therapies and practices, such as reflexology, doula training, and Indian head massage. Located in Ontario, Canada.
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- Qualifying courses in various alternative therapies: aromatherapy, acupressure, massage, and Reiki. Located in Bucks, England.
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