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- Wikipedia: LEGO Universe
- Backstory, characters, gameplay, promotion, testing, and purchasing information.
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- Minecraft Servers
- Top list of Minecraft servers ranked by votes with server IP and sort filters to find the best Minecraft server.
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- World of Minecraft
- A great collection of texture packs, skins, blogs, community forums, tips and tricks for Minecraft.
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- Roblox
- Official site of the free MMO building game for kids. News, contests, forums, parent's section, and merchandise.
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- Attack of the Fanboy: Minecraft Review
- Review of "the indie sandbox game that could" including what he loves, likes, finds meh, and dislikes. (February 05, 2011)
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- Empire Minecraft
- Minecraft community providing multiple integrated servers. Advanced features such as protected residential towns system bring more of an MMO feeling to Minecraft.