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- Amazon Daughters of Destiny
- The Amazon Daughters of Destiny(ADoD) are a tribe of strong, loyal, and trusting Amazons who are dedicated to helping others.
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- Central Intelligence Agency
- Use of this system is to stop all the illegal behavior in the land of Rhydin.
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- Clan of Shivering Forest
- In 1473 a large group of Gargoyles lived in a peaceful garden in Italy, disturbed by no one.
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- Defenders of the Realm
- A guild within Rhydin that boasts that they are the finest mercenaries in all of RhyDin.
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- Keepers of the Dark Gift
- The Dark Gift is a sacred one, that nectar of immortality given to a mortal, when a Vampyre sinks in his/her fangs.
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- Protect all, save all, and kill against all evils that wish to kill the people, good and evil, of rhydin with every ounce of breath they have
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- Strong Women of Rhydin
- Its only goal is to give women in RhyDin stronger voices, to bring all women together in a main goal and to have a fair chance in anything they wish to pursue.
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- Ancient Warriors of Rhydin
- If you like to be your own boss and in control of your sparring rate and anything else, join AWoR!
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- Brotherhood of Warriors Elite
- They stand up for what they believe in and will not tolerate those whom stand in the way of their goals, or bring harm to another member.
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- Order of the Wizard Warriors
- Created by Dralakiar Abstonomin to fight against those that aim to control Rhydin in oppressing ways.
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- Sactified Knights of Ultimate Living Legacy
- The Elite of Blaze and protectors of the Blaze forum and the high council that resides within.