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- Rhy'Din Intelligence Agency-Where The Information Comes To You!!
- RIA has become the most formal and decisive Forum slash Guild known to the General Public, with many elements still unknown to the public.
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- RhyDin Winds of Change
- To serve as a strict guideline for those newcomers, and yet, to be fun enough for us old-timers to enjoy.
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- Star Wars Universe
- I have decided to make this page in hope that all Rhydin faring Star Wars Universe characters would have a way to resolve every day dealings.
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- The Loyal Order of Rhydin's Elite
- The Loyal Order of Rhydin's Elite is a neutral forum of Rhydin that accepts all alignments and races. Guilds and Independents alike. LORE combines some of the finest qualities of FCoR, DARKNESS and CoR with the creativity of its leaders.
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- Welcome to Crystal Realms
- Seeks to bring order out of the chaos that has run rampant through the known realms, where the quality of life is dependent on the roll of the dice, and by how many exp's one has.
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- Associated Dark Guilds of Rhydin
- Forum abiding to the motto: 'Dominate through mayhem-Power through Evil.'