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Acorn Machine List

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: List of the specifications of all the Acorn computers - starting from the earliest 8-bit machine, through to the StrongARM based models.
The Full Acorn Machine List - Last updated on the 19th February 1999. This list represents some several days of work in researching and obtaining all the data contained within. No guarantees are made to it's accuracy but all efforts have been made to be as factual as possible. Many thanks go to all the people who have contributed towards this list, without their help this list would substantially shorter. This list has been frozen as of the 23rd of Novemeber 1998, Acorn recently closed their workstation division and seem unlikely to ever be making further desktop machines. Although I will be tweaking the list to correct existing entries and to add any machines missed up to the time at which the list was frozen.
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Page title:Full Acorn Machine List