Word Processors
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- Accenter
- Virtu Software offers this fully configurable tool that provides insertion of accented letters, Spanish and French punctuation; also Greek letters, wingdings, and math symbols are provided.
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- Bookman Pro
- Complete handbook compiler for writing, arranging and producing handbooks or other structured documentation. Features include output to Rich Text Format and Basic HTML, built in thesaurus, graphics and object scaling and automatic updates via the Internet.
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- Jarte
- Features include RTF and DOC support, OLE support, tabbed document access, spell check, page breaks, print preview, clipboard history, online reference bar.
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- Lekhani
- Meant for typing in English along with Indian languages, such as DevNagri Script with a planned Gujrati version.
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- Nota Bene
- Developers of academic writing and research tools, such as Scholar's Workstation, Nota Bene, Ibidem, Orbis, Ibid, and Lingua Workstation; Site provides online brochure, support, downloads, pricing and FAQs.
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- RoughDraft
- Freeware word processor. It has features specifically designed for writers of novels, short stories, articles, poetry, plays and screenplays.
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- Summitsoft
- Creates Arabic-English and Urdu-English documents for Windows platforms. Also, developers of Arabic Edit and Urdu Edit ActiveX controls.
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- Unitype
- Makers of Global Writer, a multilingual tool and Global Office, an add-on to Microsoft Office to allow multiple language typing.
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- Word Processors: Stupid and Inefficient
- Mainly a polemic in favor of TeX over word processors, but also providing a general idea of how traditional (non-desktop) publishing works and what professionals value (or dislike) in a publishing data format.
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- XyWrite
- Designed for colleges and universities. Site provides online support, numerous downloads and additional information.
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- Z-Write
- Create sections in the lefthand frame, enter the text in the full-size page area on the right. Navigate through large documents by inserting named bookmarks via the utilities menu.
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- Docu Design Daube: Working with FrameMaker
- Useful hints, tips and tricks on Windows and UNIX versions gathered by Klaus Daube.
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- FrameScript: Carmen Publishing
- Developer of plug-ins, scripts and tutorials for FrameScript, a scripting environment, and PageLabeler, page numbering transfer utility to PDF.