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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A repository of resources and information related to the Unix operating system. All content is maintained by the group of users, to which membership is free.
Our goal is to provide a free Unix resource to newbies, old-timers, and everything in-between. Want to get involved? Email us: "adminz AT unixgeeks.org" For those of you who have never heard of Unix, stick around to learn about some operating systems that may change the way you interact with computers.
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Contact Information
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Page title: | UNIXGEEKS.ORG |
Keywords: | UNIX, Linux, Geeks, System Administration, Redhat, Slackware, Debian, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Free BSD, Open BSD, Solaris, SunOS, Security, Hosting, Shell Account, Irix, scripts, HOWTO, FAQ |
Description: | A resource for UNIX/Linux users |
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