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Optimized For No One

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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: Links to and brief descriptions of a large number of browsers for all platforms.
, a compact and fast freeware browser that supports HTML 3.2 and CSS, though not JavaScript. , for Windows, "based partially on the Microsoft Internet Explorer controls for full compatibility with ActiveX, Java, SSL, and other internet protocols. It also performs free MaxMTU registry settings which may increase browsing and download speeds to double or quadruple faster speeds." (Recently it seems to have polysyllabified itself into "ActivatorDesk".)
Size: 473 chars

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Page title:Pretty much OK with . . .
Keywords:browser, browser, WWW client, Activator, Amaya, AMosaic, AOL Browser, Arachne, Arena, AvantGo, AWeb, Barque, Beonex Communicator, Bezilla, BrowseX, CAB, Camino, Cello, Charlotte, Cheetah, Chimera, Cineast, Clue, Communicator, Cyberdog, Dillo, DocZilla, Emacs/W3, Epiphany, Espial Escape, Fizzilla, Fresco, Galeon, Grail, Gzilla, HotJava, IAT demo disk, iCab, IBrowse, I-Browse, Internet Explorer, IOD, I.O.D., Jazilla, Ka Ho'olele, K-meleon, Konqueror, Lite, LunaSuite, Lynx, MacLynx, MacWWW, Microsoft, Minuet, MMM, Mosaic, Mozilla, MSIE, MultiWeb, Navigator, Netcomber, netomat, Netscape, Netsurfer Control Panel, Net-Tamer, Newt's Cape, Off By One, Omniweb, 1X, Opera, Palmscape, QNX, Safari, Samba, SlipKnot, Tango, UdiWWW, ViewML, Voyager, WannaBe, Web Prowler, Web Stalker, Reqwireless WebViewer, Wen, Wen.Suite, WWW/LX, Zen
Description:One cent on The Great Browser Issue