- 1901
- tinderstatus
- a tiny extension that displays the current status of the SeaMonkey or Mozilla Firebird tinderboxen and whether the tree is open or closed in an icon on your browser's status bar.
- 1902
- Autoscroll
- An addon for Mozilla and Phoenix that emulates the autoscrolling functionality of Internet Explorer.
- 1906
- MultiZilla
- MultiZilla is the first tabbed browser UI for Mozilla and has enhanced features over the default implementation.
- 1907
- Optimoz
- The Optimoz plans to perform widespread beta testing of gestures in Mozilla and to perform the development of robust pie menu support for Mozilla.
- 1908
- easyGestures Pie Menus
- easyGestures is a extension for Mozilla Firefox that replaces context menus with easy-to-navigate context menus. Includes a config diaglouge and uninstaller.
- 1914
- Adblock
- a content filtering plug-in for the Mozilla and Firebird browsers and allows the user to specify filters, which remove unwanted content based on the source-address.
- 1915
- BannerBlind
- A Mozilla and Mozilla Firefox extension that hides images (particularly advertising banners) by sizes.
- 1916
- Abzilla
- Adds Multiple AddressBook support to Mozilla. Contains experimental builds with the extension.
- 1917
- Allows you to store your email in a database in one or more categories, you can build categories by your own and rename them, and you can search email by attributes.