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- Promodag Reports
- With promodag reports you can analyze all messages exchanged through microsoft exchange server from inside and outside the exchange organization.
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- Slipstick Outlook & Exchange Center
- Utilities, how to's and other solutions for Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Exchange and Windows Messaging.
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- TrackerOffice
- TrackerOffice provides applications for project management, time and expense reporting, purchasing, invoicing, personnel management and business reports through Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Back Office.
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- WinDeveloper IMF Tune
- Extends the Microsoft Exchange Intelligent Message Filter feature set and enables Exchange/Outlook integration of other spam filters running on any platform, gateway appliance or external service provider.
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- Project background, mission, license and download page. Including some screenshots, FAQ and documentation.
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- DOE2000 Electronic Notebook
- Modular, extensible, notebook framework to make cross-platform interoperating prototype implementations. Allows shared input and display of sketches, text, equations, images, graphs, other data types. Tools for authentication, other services.
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- GroupSuite
- A planned PHP-based groupware including calendar, address book, forum, ticket system, WebMail, CRM and DMS.
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- Hipergate
- Web-based open source groupware written in Java/JSP with support for PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server.
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- JetSpeed [from Apache's Jakarta]
- A servlet implementation of an open protocol GroupWare product. Backend (search engines, news, weather, POP3/IMAP/LDAP/NNTP, database) is based on other open source packages.
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- MetaDot Open Source Portal Server
- Free Open Source Portal Server allowing point and click community, content and XML syndication management on the Web, email, cellphone, other media.
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- Nexist
- Topic Map based java system, "a testbed for developing tools for Web collaboration", Apache license.
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- Thetis
- Groupware and content management system developed in Ruby on Rails. Web site includes news, documentation and an online demonstration.
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- Zimbra
- E-mail and collaboration suite. A server application as well as desktop and web based clients are available.
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- BoxIT
- Offers groupware solutions by subscription, automation, security and e-mail services and consultancy services.
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- AppliGate Education B.V.
- LAEC in the Netherlands. Offers R4 courses, R5 courses, e-Learning and CAT testing for CLP certification.
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- Basic Business Systems
- Specializing in helping organizations reduce costs and improve productivity in the areas of Sales, Marketing, Customer Care and Office Administration using off-the-shelf Lotus Domino modules.