Data Administration
- 21
- SalesPro Technologies, Inc
- A remote order entry software that allows internet sales orders and updates, and supports customization for many industries including food service, pharmaceutical, wholesale, distributor and mail order entry.
- 22
- Vesper Software, LLC
- Developed custom reporting software for the grocery store industry. Our products include an electronic journal for the NCR 2127 and interactive, multi-media touch screen kiosks.
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- BCP Software - CaseTalk
- Conceptual modeling tool based upon natural language information modeling capable of generating BCNF databases, UML class diagrams and data warehouse star schemas.
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- Charonware s.r.o.
- Vendor for Case Studio 2, a database design tool. Key features include visual creation of ER diagrams, reverse engineering, data flow diagrams, version manager, detailed HTML reports, and user permissions.
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- Datanamic
- DeZign for databases is a visual data modeling tool that can generate SQL scripts for most leading databases.
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- Grandite
- Quebec-based supplier of SILVERRUN tools for relational data modeling, process / dataflow modeling, and UML / Java modeling.
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- Joseph K. Loch Templates
- Data modeling concepts and relational data model templates for integrated enterprise data architecture.
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- Resolution Software
- xCase offers automation and maintenance features to assist the database developer throughout the life cycle of the application.
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- Select Business Solutions
- Provide modeling tools, component reuse, and service oriented architecture tools.
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- e-Modelers
- Providing data modeling, UML, use case analysis, enterprise architecture, data warehouse and enterprise modeling services.
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- - DBDesigner 4
- Open source visual database designer for MySQL for Windows and Linux KDE/Gnome.
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- Applied Data Resource Management
- Industry data model technology products for data mart, data warehouse, application development and strategic planning.
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- Essential Strategies, Inc.
- Consulting firm specializing in requirements analysis, data modeling, process modeling, data warehousing, architecture and other data related issues. Also sells Data Model Patterns, a packaged data model.
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- Is Your Organization Too Unique to Use Universal Data Models?
- Len Silverston. The age of the data modeler as artisan is passing. Organizations can no longer afford the labor or time required for handcrafting data models from scratch. In response to these constraints, the age of the data modeler as engineer is dawning. (September 01, 1999)
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