Intrusion Detection Systems
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- Sentinel IPS Intrusion Prevention Appliance
- Appliance and service that inspects, detects and drops malicious packets so a user's gateway IPs appear unused to intruders.
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- Tripwire, Inc
- Offers change management and auditing solutions which provide regulatory compliance, network security, and system availability.
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- Unatek Intrusion Detection and Prevention
- Providing information on the corporate intrusion and detection products, services and consulting.
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- Wireless LAN Monitoring & Intrusion Protection Software
- WiMetrics' solutions provide a real-time view of all 802.11 wireless device activity on the wireless LAN. Locate rogue wireless access points without using a wireless sniffer device. Authorize 802.11 devices for trusted network access and automatically block intruders from gaining access to the wired LAN.
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- Wireless LAN Security Intrusion Detection and Monitoring for Enterprise 802.11 WLANS
- Industry-First Wireless LAN Intrusion Detection and Protection 24x7 real-time monitoring of 802.11 WLANs. Integrates multi-dimensional intrusion detection with stateful monitoring to effectively secure WLANs from intruders, hackers, interference and network abuses
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- Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection
- The RAID workshop series is an annual event dedicated to the sharing of information related to the intrusion-detection area.
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- Common Intrusion Detection Framework (CIDF)
- Aims to develop protocols and application programming interfaces so that intrusion detection research projects can share information and resources and so that intrusion detection components can be reused in other systems.
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- Computer immune systems (University of New Mexico)
- Four examples of how we are applying ideas from immunology to today's computer security problems are a host based intrusion-detection method, a network based intrusion-detection system, a distributable change-detection algorithm, and a method for intentionally introducing diversity to reduce vulnerability.
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- EMERALD (Event Monitoring Enabling Responses to Anomalous Live Disturbances)
- SRI International's EMERALD (Event Monitoring Enabling Responses to Anomalous Live Disturbances) research project is a distributed scalable tool suite for tracking malicious activity through and across large networks.
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- Intrusion Detection User Group
- A group mailing focusing on security information management, intrusion response, intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, intrusion management and honeynets/honeypots.
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- Intrusion detection projects at UC Davis
- Anomaly Detection in Database Systems, Common Intrusion Detection Framework, Intrusion Detection and Isolation Protocol / IDIP, Intrusion Detection for Large Networks, Misuse Detection and Workshop for Intrusion Detection and Response Data Sharing.
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- Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection Symposium 2004
- International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection. Held in conjunction with ESORICS 2004, September 15-17, 2004. The RAID International Symposium series is intended to advance the field of intrusion detection by promoting the exchange of ideas on a broad range of topics, bringing together leading experts from academia, government, and industry to discuss state-of-the-art intrusion detection technologies and issues from research and commercial perspectives.
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- System Design Laboratory Intrusion Detection
- Research institute actively involved in intrusion-detection research since 1983. Research focuses on EMERALD: Event Monitoring Enabling Responses to Anomalous Live Disturbances, a system designed to detect and respond to network attacks.
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- Thor
- Research project that utilizes network attack variations to make more precise statements about the detection capabilities of an IDS.
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- Chkrootkit
- Provides open source application to check for presence of rootkits installed on Linux/Unix machines. Links to security related sites.
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- Fail2Ban
- fail2ban is a POSIX/Linux tool used to ban IP addresses that generate too many password failures. ssh, iptables, ipfwadm and ipfw are currently supported.