Robotics subcat
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- Australia's Telerobot on the Web
- An ABB industrial robot operated via the Internet. Online since 1994 and originally controlled with a web browser applet, this was one of the first web-controlled robots. Registration is required to use the robot.
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- BBC Robot World
- Offers news, reviews and history of robots, as well as robot building guides and a discussion forum.
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- How Stuff Works - The Singing Fish
- Photographed autopsy of the popular singing fish novelty fad reveals its robotic-like subsystems with complete informative descriptions.
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- Learn about Robots
- Includes commentary on robot related terminology and many applications of robotics including entertainment, military, space, industrial, and others.
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- Plausible Futures Newsletter
- News weblog on topics that include robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and sciences that could dramatically affect the future of society.
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- is a unique portal that offers search results based on quality and popularity. Find free tutorials, news, discussion forums, and an directory of links to robotics websites.
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- Robotic Spot
- Robotics portal site devoted to robotic locomotion and home automation. Based in Madrid, Spain. Site in English and Spanish.
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