N R Malotaux
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Description: A collection of advice on turning the Evo principles into practice, including a downloadable booklet in PDF format.
N R Malotaux - Consultancy: Â Evolutionary ProjMan   How to deliver the Right Results at the Right Time Your projects more successful in shorter time Evolutionary Project Management Evo is short for Evolutionary Development, Evolutionary Delivery, Evolutionary Project-Management, deliberately going through the Plan-Do-Check-Act learning cycle rapidly and frequently, for product, project and process, continuously thinking "what to do, in which order, to which level of detail for now". It's a label for a set of methods that allow us to effectively and efficiently run projects, delivering Quality On Time. Evo integrates Planning, Requirements and Risk Management into Result Management. It's actively induced evolution because we don't wait for evolution to happen. We make it happen.
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