Garnet: Multi-Garnet: Integrating Multi-Way Constraints with Garnet
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Description: ResearchIndex: Constraints provide a useful mechanism to maintain relations in user interface toolkits. Garnet is a widely used user interface toolkit with high functionality, based on one way, required constraints. Multi-Garnet extends this by adding support for multi-way constraints and hierarchies.
CiteSeerX — Multi-Garnet: Integrating Multi-Way Constraints with Garnet Multi-Garnet: Integrating Multi-Way Constraints with Garnet (1992) by Michael Sannella , Alan Borning @TECHREPORT{Sannella92multi-garnet:integrating,
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Page title: | CiteSeerX — Multi-Garnet: Integrating Multi-Way Constraints with Garnet |
Keywords: | CiteSeerX, Michael Sannella, Alan Borning |
Description: | CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Constraints provide a useful mechanism for maintaining relations in user interface toolkits. Garnet is a widely-used user interface toolkit with considerable functionality, based on one-way, required constraints. Multi-Garnet extends Garnet by adding support for multi-way constraints and constraint hierarchies with both required and preferential constraints. This document contains three chapters describing Multi-Garnet: ffl Chapter 1 presents a high-level overview of Multi-Garnet. To motivate the development of Multi-Garnet, we examine the Garnet constraint system, present some realistic user interface problems that are difficult to handle in Garnet, and demonstrate how Multi-Garnet addresses these problems. We provide details on how Multi-Garnet supports some of the features of Garnet, including constraints with pointer variables, and inheritance of constraints. ffl Chapter 2 contains a reference manual for the current version of Multi-Garnet (version 2.1). This includes information ... |
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