- 21
- Best Practices for Using ADO.NET
- Best practices for writing Microsoft ADO.NET code and suggestions for developers on using the objects available in ADO.NET.
- 22
- Managing an @@IDENTITY Crisis
- Discusses a strategy for returning newly created Identity values after the INSERT is executed. This applies to SQL Server and ADO.NET
- 23
- Reading Data Reader Secrets
- MSDN Online Voices Diving Into Data Access column on reading data readers secrets.
- 24
- Using ADO.NET
- Discusses using ADO.NET Connection object, other ADO.NET objects, and provides examples. A 41-page article by Paul D. Sheriff of PDSA, Inc.
- 25
- Weaning Developers from the CommandBuilder
- Examines the drawbacks of the ADO.NET CommandBuilder, and shows how to use the Visual Studio .NET DataAdapter Configuration Wizard (DACW) to write your own Command queries.
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