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Coco/R compiler generator

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Coco/R combines the functionality of the well-known UNIX tools lex and yacc, to form an extremely easy to use compiler generator that generates recursive descent parsers, their associated scanners, and (in some versions) a driver program, from attributed grammars (written using EBNF syntax with attributes and semantic actions) which conform to the restrictions imposed by LL(1) parsing (rather than LALR parsing, as allowed by yacc).
Coco/R takes a compiler description in the form of an attributed grammar (EBNF syntax with attributes and semantic actions) and translates it into a scanner and a recursive descent parser. The user has to add modules for symbol table handling, optimization, and code generation in order to get a running compiler. LL(1) conflicts can be resolved by a special lookahead mechanism. Coco/R has been used successfully in academia and industry. It combines the functionality of the well-known Unix tools Lex and Yacc.
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Page title:Compiler Generator Coco/R