- 41
- Eli: An Integrated Toolset for Compiler Construction
- Eli is a domain-specific programming environment designed to generate compilers for programming languages from specifications. Eli includes a vastlibrary with precoined solutions and reusable components and is Open Source.
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- Free Compiler Construction Tools
- List of lexers, parser generators, code optimizers (optimizer generators), and other compiler construction kits.
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- Gentle
- A compiler construction system that supports language recognition, definition of abstract syntax trees, construction of tree walkers based on pattern matching, smart traversal, simple unparsing for source-to-source translation, and optimal code selection for microprocessors.
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- LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- An aggressive open-source compiler for C and C++ and Stacker, a forth-like language. It specializes in interprocedural optimization and analysis, and handles runtime and offline optimization "in the field" as well.
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- Lexical Analyzer Generator - Quex
- An Open Source project targeting a lexical analyzer generator for C++. Special features are sophisticated mode transitions and mode inheritance. The generator's output can be up to two times faster than output produced with the traditional 'flex' program.
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- Mozart
- A set of APIs and a file format that allow various development tools such as compilers, editors, class browsers and others to exchange data and cooperate. Currently, Mozart parses and "renders" only Java, although internally it is language neutral.
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- Zephyr
- Its philosophy: build compilers from parts, which might include front ends, back ends, optimizers, and the glue that holds all these pieces together. You might even generate parts automatically from compact specifications.
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- Amsterdam Compiler Kit (ACK)
- An integrated collection of programs designed to simplify the task of producing portable (cross) compilers and interpreters.
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- GameBoy Developer's Kit (GBDK)
- A set of tools that enable to develop programs for the Nintendo GameBoy system, either in C or in assembly. GBDK includes a set of libraries for the most common requirements and generates image files for use with a real GameBoy or with an emulator like VGB or no$gmb.
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- Quetzalcoatl
- Cross compiler for 6502 processors, runs on Linux, Win32; can compile and link programs written in subset of ANSI C, Assembly, 1983 UPL language, or any mix thereof; can output programs for Commodore VIC-20, 64.
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- WinAVR
- A suite of executable, open source software development tools for the Atmel AVR series of RISC microprocessors hosted on the Windows platform. It includes the GNU GCC compiler.
- 52
- GCC: GNU Compiler Collection
- Developed by GNU project as free compiler for GNU system. Front ends: C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, Ada; libraries for libstdc++, and libgcj. Mission, mail lists, timeline, contributors, committee, instructions, manual, FAQ, downloads, plans, bug reports. [Open Source, GPL]
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- Building and Testing gcc/glibc cross toolchains
- Script to automatically download, patch, build, and test binutils, gcc, and glibc cross-toolchains.
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- EGCS: Experimental GNU Compiler System
- Project fused work on GNU C, C++, Objective-C, Ada, Fortran compilers, and libc++, to speed up work to improve GCC. In April 1999 was merged into general GCC effort under control of GCC steering committee. Descriptions, a few links.
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- GCC & GNU Toolchain Developers' Summit
- Brings together the core development team of the GNU Compiler Collection with those working on the other toolchain components to discuss the state of the art.
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- A written in Ada95 GCC front-end. It is a VHDL simulator and implements nearly all VHDL87 and some features of VHDL93.
- 57
- GNU C Compiler Internals Wikibook
- This is a wikibook describing internals of GNU C Compiler Collection. A number of authors have contributed to it.
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- GNU Objective-C runtime features
- Some notes about garbage collection and type information strings in the GNU Objective-C runtime (2.95.3 GCC version).