Open Content
- 22
- - Wikipedia's Symbiotic Relationship With Search
- Article by Max Kalehoff. "Wikipedia's orderly collection of consumer-created content is becoming a high-powered magnet for Internet searches." "For marketers, Wikipedia can be an unpredictable variable capable of influencing customers and stakeholders. Consider not only its impact on brand search results, but also the impact of potentially inaccurate, unfair, or partisan content. Wikipedia and its contributors can be friends or foes." (May 19, 2005)
- 23
- Frozen North: How Authoritative is Wikipedia?
- Weblog entry. Describes the author's process of putting errors into Wikipedia and watching for corrections to them. Suggests how fact-checking needs to be improved at Wikipedia, and gives ideas for further experiments.
- 26
- The Register: Wikipedia's Emergent People Fail to Impress Readers
- Criticisms of Wikipedia and of arguments used by its admirers in an article by Andrew Orlowski. (September 15, 2004)
- 27
- The Register: Wikipedia 'to Make Universities Obsolete'
- Opinion article by Andrew Orlowski suggesting that Wikipedia has a long way to go before it's a stand-in for libraries and scholarly publications. (September 07, 2004)
- 28
- The Register - Wiki-fiddlers defend Clever Big Book
- Commentary by Andrew Orlowski. "Our jibe that the Wikipedia is the world's most useless encyclopedia drew precisely two angry responses. But both illustrate the condition perfectly." (July 23, 2004)
- 29
- - Chinese censors block access to Wikipedia
- Chinese censors have blocked access to Chinese Wikipedia that was created as a free and open source of information. (June 14, 2004)
- 30
- - Everyone is an editor
- Everyone is an editor - Attempts to examine the pros and cons of Wikipedia. Plus, comparisons to previous similar projects. (April 27, 2004)
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