News and Media subcat
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- Ars Technica
- The PC enthusiast's resource. Power users and the tools they love, without computing religion.
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- Computing
- Articles on communication, hardware and programming issues. Research library, forums and product locator.
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- IT Research Library
- Provides tools, techniques and research to help IT and business professionals make educated buying decisions.
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- Supplies news, product information and links, categorized by industry branches. Features announces of print publications of Transcontinental Media Inc.
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- NewsFactor Network
- The starting point for a network of technology news and information sites, including Wireless NewsFactor and CRM Daily.
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- Rediff On The Net: Infotech
- Information and entertainment online, India infotech news and views, technology updates, information technology.
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- Slashdot
- Source for technology related news with a heavy slant towards Linux and Open Source issues.
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- Techdirt
- News, commentary, and discussions on important or interesting high tech news and includes newsletters.
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- Technology News
- Provides a public reference library with mainframe specifications and publishes an electronic newsletter, infoperspectives, crammed with facts, figures, charts, statistics and trend analysis.
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- The Inquirer
- European site for computer hardware news. Covers processors, graphics cards and major hardware providers.
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- The Register
- Independent news, views, opinions and reviews on the latest in the IT industry. Offices in London, Edinburgh, San Francisco and Mountain View.
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- Bearad Tech
- Bearad Tech is a valid and recognized online portal, offering the latest updates on all sorts of technologies ranging from games to androids and from internet to medical technology as well. Their team is working hard to make these updates available accurately and precisely for all.
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