Weird Doings at the FTC: Shoddy 'Consumer Alert' Appears, Vanishes
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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: "The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issues a pro-ICANN, anti-alternate root, consumer advisory entitled 'What's Dot and What's Not: Domain Name Registration Scams' that is partisan and inaccurate, then suddenly it's gone." News and discussion forum. [ICANNWatch]
(May 17, 2001)
ICANNWatch | Weird Doings at the FTC: Shoddy 'Consumer Alert' Appears, Vanishes
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Page title: | ICANNWatch | Weird Doings at the FTC: Shoddy 'Consumer Alert' Appears, Vanishes |
Keywords: | ICANN policy WIPO dispute domain names |
Description: | ICANNWatch.Org monitors and tracks the action of ICANN and global domain name policy. |
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