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Alternative Compuserve connection methods

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A how-to FAQs on connecting palm-top PCs running Windows CE to the Compuserve service.
The latest version of this document (and other really good ones on connecting CE to Compuserve) is available from Compuserve's (go palmb) forum, gocis2.txt The following two sections describe the necessary steps for (I) Communications with Compuserve as a text-based BBS type service (submitted by Don Hergert), and (II) Communications and email access with Compuserve as a PPP Service provider (submitted by Craig Peacock). =================================================================== I) Communications with Compuserve as a Text-based BBS type service Submitted by: Don Hergert 72235,32 Connecting to CIS involves three major steps of configuration. They are: A) Creating your Terminal Icon. B) Setting up your modem to work properly with Terminal. C) Getting CIS to talk to you. The following is an explanation of how to accomplish these steps. I'm trying to assume little fore-knowledge on the subject, so if you already know how to do some or all of this, be patient. Also, keep in mind that most PCMCIA modems eat batteries. Try to always use an AC Adapter with any kind of PCMCIA modem work. A) Creating your Terminal Icon 1) Tap the Start button on the WinCE taskbar. 2) Tap the Programs group. 3) Double tap the Communications folder. 4) Double tap the Terminal icon. 5) Double tap the Make a New Connection icon. 6) Supply the name for this new Terminal icon. 7) Select your modem from the drop-down list. 8) Tap the Configure button. 9) In Connection Preferences, select your modem's highest recommended Baud Rate from the drop down list. 10) Select the Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, and Flow Control used by the system you want to connect to. ( Evidence at this time suggests a bug in the Cassiopeia prevents any Data Bits and Parity settings other than 8 and None from actually being used, no matter what you change these settings to. It is probably best to just leave the settings at 8 Bits, No Parity.) 11) Leave Manual Dial, Terminal Before Dialing and Terminal After Dialing unchecked at this time. 12) Tap on
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