- 62
- mprove: Alan Kay Bibliography
- A list of references to articles by Alan Kay. Excerpts of his master's and Ph.D. thesis.
- 63
- Alan Kay: The PC Must be Revamped, Now
- PCs should help people learn, not merely perform tasks, the prize-winning computer scientist says. CIO Insight. (February 14, 2007)
- 64
- Steps Toward the Reinvention of Programming
- Brief citation, many forum comments. Lambda the Ultimate. (February 02, 2007)
- 65
- Alan Kay: The 100 Dollar Laptop and Powerful Ideas
- Summary of Kay talk, photograph series. Windley's Technometria. (February 23, 2006)
- 66
- Alan Kay: Is Computer Science an Oxymoron?
- Summary of Kay talk, photograph series. Windley's Technometria. (February 23, 2006)
- 67
- Lisa Rein's Tour of Alan Kay's Etech 2003 Presentation
- Covers history, Smalltalk, Squeak, Etoys, late binding, Croquet; Sketchpad, PDP1 Spacewar, Lisp; Ivan Sutherland, Doug Englebart, John McCarthy; in text, photos, audio, video in different resolutions. Open Content, public domain. (May 09, 2003)
- 68
- Daddy, Are We There Yet? A Discussion with Alan Kay
- Smalltalk inventor speaks about computing today, and where it's going. [O'Reilly] (April 03, 2003)
- 69
- Tools For Thought: The Birth of the Fantasy Amplifier
- By Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of modern computing; this chapter on PARC, Alan Kay, Dynabook, Smalltalk, Atari. Newer (c)2000 edition of the book is out, with follow-up interviews. (June 01, 1985)
- 70
- SPACEWAR: Fanatic Life and Symbolic Death Among the Computer Bums
- Famous Rolling Stone article by Stewart Brand, part of which discusses PARC, Alan Kay, Dynabook, Smalltalk. (December 07, 1972)
- 71
- An Interview with Brian Kernighan
- By Mihai Budiu when he was a research intern at Ball Labs. Originally published in PC Report Romania, now translated into English. (July 01, 2000)
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- Digital Research
- History archive of firm founded by Gary and Dorothy Kildall (nee McEwen) in 1974, which soon became the first successful PC OS company. Tributes to the Kildalls, information on CP/M, MS/PC-DOS, Caldera v. Microsoft, many related topics.
- 75
- Dr. Donald E. Knuth
- His very own page. Programming wouldn't be what it is today without this man. Invented TeX, Literate Programming, author of landmark series 'The Art of Computer Programming'. Professor Emeritus of The Art of Computer Programming, Stanford University.
- 77
- Donald Knuth: Leonard Euler of Computer Science
- Biography of the great scientist by Nikolai Bezroukov.
- 78
- Interview with Donald Knuth
- Covers open source success, multicore architecture problems, disappointing lack of interest in literate programming, reusable code menace, and urban legend about a programming contest win with one compilation. InformIT. (April 25, 2008)