- 2
- Adam Back's Homepage: Cypherspace
- Find information on some cryptanalytic hacks, breaking weak cryptosystems and links to more cryptography related websites.
- 3
- An Overview of Cryptography by Gary C. Kessler
- Defines cryptographic terms and concepts, offers crypto scheme comparison, and provides some real world examples.
- 4
- Crypto Machines
- Features machines and systems used in secure communications. Includes brief history on cryptography.
- 6
- Cryptography World
- Introduction to cryptography, including concepts, key management and application.
- 7
- Deschall
- Articles describing the first crack of a DES-encrypted message, with some source code and mailing list archives.
- 8
- International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)
- Non-profit scientific organisation intended to further research in cryptology.
- 9
- RSA - Hacking and Cracking
- Discusses security problems and possible attacks against the RSA cryptosystem.
- 10
- Randomness and the Netscape Browser
- Article about cracking the original Netscape encryption algorithm, and links to resources for generating crypto strength randomness.
- 11
- Standard Cryptographic Algorithm Naming
- Provides references for a collection of cryptographic algorithms, assigning each an ASCII name and zero or more aliases.
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- The Munitions Maker Graphic
- Campaign to distribute image (rsa2d.gif) in protest of ITAR regulations that treat encryption as munitions.
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