Style Sheets
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- Eric Meyer on CSS
- Companion website, with code downloads, and ordering information. Published by New Riders.
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- Handcrafted CSS
- By Dan Cederholm with Ethan Marcotte. Contains information about authors. Description, errata, and online purchase link.
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- Teach Yourself CSS in 10 Minutes
- By Russ Weakley. Sample chapters, downloadable example files, errata and table of contents.
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- 456 Berea Street - The CSS and XHTML Lab
- A collection of practical CSS and XHTML experiments, methods, tips and tricks. Many of the examples include step-by-step instructions.
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- Two and three column layouts, tutorials on auto-width and negative width margins, and a fix for the @import rule and how Internet Explorer phrases the rule.
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- Boxed CSS
- CSS website gallery, features several free CSS layouts available for viewing and download
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- CSS Drive
- Gallery organized into categories, such as two column, three columns, and business. Includes code examples.
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- CSS Portal
- Features coding property charts, template examples, visual examples of menus, and online tools for generating code. Also includes recommended software and books.
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- CSS Princess
- Features a categorized gallery of tableless website designs made by females. Users can rate and comment on the designs.
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- CSS Zen Garden
- Collaborative on-line gallery demonstrating what can be accomplished in visual design by using cascading style sheets.
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- Code Snippets
- Offers over 100 free fixed width and faux column CSS layouts. Site also features code snippets including Javascript, PHP, HTML and CSS.
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- Free CSS Templates
- Preview over 200 standards compliant CSS templates. Designs can be downloaded freely under Creative Commons Attribution license.
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- Light on Dark
- Showcase site featuring dark background layouts with light colored type. Places an emphasis on well designed and semantically coded websites.
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- Open Web Design
- Allows users to upload and share CSS templates which are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution or released into the public domain. Also hosts a forum.
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- TanTek: CSS Examples
- Reconstruction of artwork and layouts of non-media material into a Web media layout using style sheets.