File Systems and Storage Lab
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Scan day: 02 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Hosts many projects and publications related to file systems, storage, security, and networking.
FiST: Stackable File System Language and Templates FiST: Stackable File System Language and Templates File System development is very difficult and time consuming. Even small changes to existing file systems require deep understanding of kernel internals, making the barrier to entry for new developers high. Moreover, porting file system code from one operating system to another is almost as difficult as the first port. Past proposals to provide extensible (stackable) file system interfaces would have simplified the development of new file systems. These proposals, however, advocated massive changes to existing operating system interfaces and existing file systems; operating system vendors and maintainers resist making any large changes to their kernels because of stability and performance concerns. As a result, file system development is still a difficult, long, and non-portable process.
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